Archive | February 2014


Adopting a foreign baby is a very popular thing in the United States these days. Why should not it be, foreign babies are smarter, better musicians and more talented than an American born baby. (NO OFFESE to any American born readers). American babies many times are tortured and tormented by their foster parents and they are never able to recover after that time of brutal punishment. Foreign children also go through this but they are more adaptive of the new culture and the new opportunities that are no present for them. There are few rough spots in the international adoption process that may scare Americans who want to adopt international babies. That is why many people have argued that Americans should stop adopting international babies. But the American officials do not understand that it is also easier to adopt an international baby than it is to adopt a kid in America. If a couple wanted to adopt a child in America they would have to a go through an unbounded pile of paper work. There are also certain assessments that the couple would have to go through before they are deemed fit to adopt a child. In international adoption there are very minimal rules because money plays a huge role in the adoption process. If you have a stack of the green stuff, dollars, you chances of getting a perfect and talented baby are very high. There are no evaluations of the adopters to see if they are monetarily and psychosomatically and physically fit to adopt a child. International adoption process also runs smoothly because there is very minimal paper work involved.  I believe these are the main reasons why more than 10,000 babies are adopted from China, Africa, India and South America every year.