Change in Fiji (Assertion Journal)

Ellen Goodman, in “Culture of Thin Bites Fiji Teens,” asserts that the culture in the Western world has created a world where everyone believes that if a female is not thin they are not beautiful. Goodman claims that the spread of television facilitated the spread of the stereotype of thin women being beautiful. Goodman continues the article by discussing the deleterious effects of this perception on beauty. Women, especially teenage girls, in the modern world are risking their health in order to be thin. Teenagers starve themselves to meet society’s expectations of beauty; women go through malnutrition just so they can look pretty and are not made fun of by their peers. Goodman provides the island of Fiji as an example of a place which has been victimized by this new concept on beauty. Goodman places majority of the blame on the television for making this trend catch on to the general public.

In my opinion, Goodman assertion is a strong and a claim that I personally support. Being thin is the new beautiful. Girls who look like bamboos are praised for losing weight, but on the other hand impeccably fit girls are considered outsiders for not following the trend. The concept of beauty being defined by how thin a woman is hurting the mindset of women and their health and their bodies everywhere. Women all over the world are now feeling unsecured about their weight and their figure because seeing other thin and slim females around then, but if this insecurity in not dealt with, it can translate into serious disorders such as bulimia or anorexia. Goodman is also correct when she says that the concept of being thin should be stopped. If it is accomplished it can take the pressure off of girls to be thin.  The last line the Goodman throws in is a very powerful quote, “Maybe we ought to worry a little more about what girls learn: To hate and harm themselves.”  This quote is powerful because it sums her whole argument in this one sentence. She sums up her argument because she acknowledges that the new concept of beauty is harming millions of girls. There are not of loopholes and weaknesses in the assertion made by Goodman. The actresses seen on television and movie screens are simply not the reality we want our females to live in. Their skinniness gives regular females false hope and it also puts them in grave danger. The danger is seen in the transformation of the Fijian culture. Fijian women started feeling more and more insecure and had a large sum of eating disorders among them because they wanted to be skinny.

There have been stories about many ballerinas and gymnasts who have starved themselves to be thin and be able to compete in their sport. That has also resulted in teenagers trying to look like picture perfect, flawless thin women who are misleading the real females. Television has also added a lot to this behavior. The entertainment industry has to make changes and stop misleading women into a fantasy of being thin leading them to being beautiful. People’s personality and their heart should define their beauty not their figure or how thin they look.


“Indian” Logos (Assertion Journal)

Barbara Munson, in Common Themes and Questions about the Use of “Indian” Logos, asserts that “Indian” logos and nicknames should be excluded from the world of sports and mascots because they are depreciative the Native American culture. I am in complete agreement with this assertion by Munson. The reason these logos should be banned because they have misrepresented the intricate nature of the Native American society and have led the American people to misinterpret and misunderstand the role of the Native American culture as whole in setting up the American culture. “Indian” logos also have given Americans another reason to further ignore the Native American society that was the first to settle on this soil.

Native Americans were once rulers of North America, hence the name Native Americans. Millions of tribesmen and women inhabited this land centuries before the Europeans arrived. But by propagating the “Indian” logos and nicknamed, Americans today and forever have underappreciated the Native American culture and their race as a whole. There are and have been many misportrayals of Native Americans throughout history. Many sources of media and sports teams have generalized the whole Native American culture, which includes all tribes depicted as fierce fighters who are filled with belligerence. And sports like to make use of this aggression as a part of their teams by naming their mascots “Redskins” or “Seminoles.” But this interpretation of the Native American culture is only partly correct. No doubt there were some tribes that were fierce hunters and violent but there were many other Native America tribes which were calm and peaceful gathers, roaming nomads that made a living be planting and growing crops necessary for their survival. By generalizing all of these different groups under one broad category of coldblooded horsemen and barbarians, the American people are being just with Native Americans as a whole. Rather they are distancing themselves from the very rich history of the lives of different Native American tribes.

The bigger problem that faces the Native American people and the “Indian” logo and nickname controversy is that these misconceptions created by the media and sports teams are causing harm to an already misjudged image of the Native American. The misjudgment is shown by the American people when they speak of Native Americans as “Indians.” “Indians” are people like me who were born in the country of India not what Columbus called the Native Americans. This dilemma also shows how ignorant Americans are about the facts, especially relating to the Native Americans and their culture. Some experts have said that having sports teams with “Indian” logos and nick names is a way of honoring the Native American culture. But again Americans knowing nothing about the culture they are “honoring” do not know that naming teams with “Indian” nicknames is not considered honor in the Native American culture. The right way to honor the Native American culture is by awarding unique gifts to different tribes.

Flappy Bird Addiction

Nguyen Ha Dong, the creator of Flappy Bird, took the game down recently. And his reasoning for his drastic actions was that the game had been ruining people lives. He also added that the game that was made to relax had became into an addictive monster. And in my opinion game creators in the future should follow Nguyen Ha Dong advice and create less addictive games. If it were up to me I would never let games like Flappy Bird become available to the public and let them get addicted to it.

Secondly, sitting down anywhere and looking at your phone or tablet screen for hours does not have positive effects on a human beings. In fact just starring at screens for hours can cause serious eye problems and it also not good for mental health. Also, if you just stare at your phone the whole time your social life can also severely suffer. Additionally, when people get addicted to games lke Flappy Bird they sit down and spend countless hours on a pointless game; instead of doing something else that’s productive with their lives.

Thirdly, playing these games is also deleterious to the social stigma of children as well as adults. Children are the group that are effected negatively the most by these games. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen my little cousins staring at their tablet and not speaking a word for hours. They do not even put it down when they are eating, while everyone is having dinner they will be doing both things at once. If this trend continues and is seen in all children their social skills will be on a steadily decline.

Lastly, we need to adept to this change move quickly to create restrictions to put on these addictive games. Many scientist have deemed eve more addictive than drugs which proves that they can be dangerous. But before the steps to create restrictions are taken we need to teach our kids the magic of tolerance, which lets us control our impulses. So, we are not pulled towards these addictive games again.


Adopting a foreign baby is a very popular thing in the United States these days. Why should not it be, foreign babies are smarter, better musicians and more talented than an American born baby. (NO OFFESE to any American born readers). American babies many times are tortured and tormented by their foster parents and they are never able to recover after that time of brutal punishment. Foreign children also go through this but they are more adaptive of the new culture and the new opportunities that are no present for them. There are few rough spots in the international adoption process that may scare Americans who want to adopt international babies. That is why many people have argued that Americans should stop adopting international babies. But the American officials do not understand that it is also easier to adopt an international baby than it is to adopt a kid in America. If a couple wanted to adopt a child in America they would have to a go through an unbounded pile of paper work. There are also certain assessments that the couple would have to go through before they are deemed fit to adopt a child. In international adoption there are very minimal rules because money plays a huge role in the adoption process. If you have a stack of the green stuff, dollars, you chances of getting a perfect and talented baby are very high. There are no evaluations of the adopters to see if they are monetarily and psychosomatically and physically fit to adopt a child. International adoption process also runs smoothly because there is very minimal paper work involved.  I believe these are the main reasons why more than 10,000 babies are adopted from China, Africa, India and South America every year. 

TED Talks Task 3 (Week 2)

Manil Desai

AP English

January 15, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point

Task 3:

In the TED Talk “Profit’s not always the point,” Harish Manwani claims that companies should think about more than just making profit. They should put more though into making changes in the world around them. Throughout his experience as a businessman, Mr. Manwani has learned a lot and he asserts that there has to be a new way of doing business. One that includes the good of the society and is not just focused on the “3G’s” of capitalism. This is why he proposes a fourth “G,” which is growth that is responsible; responsible for changing the world in a good way. Mr. Manwani puts emphasize on how business can have to make the transition from the “3G” system to the new and improved “4G” system. I completely agree with Manwani’s assertion because in my opinion companies focus too much on making money of their consumers that they do not know that they can serve a higher purpose.

Mr. Manwani’s main focus in this TED talk was that even a small action can make huge difference in the world. He kept putting emphasize on it by repeating it. Mr. Maniwani tells us about Unilever has saved many lives because they are just helping people wash hands with soap for proper hygiene.  Mr Manwani tells about project Shakti, in India, have changed lives of many villagers have changed because they have started using soap. Manwani also shows us that Unilever has produced a detergent which uses less water. And the amount of water saved by the whole world is enough for a month for a huge continent like Asia. Manwani does not talk about customer satisfaction but the betterment of the whole world, in the long run. But many companies, like Virgin Airlines have focused on customer satisfaction rather than profit. (“Profit Isn’t Everything…”, Canadian Business) This idea is similar to what Manwani is talking about because Virgin Airlines is moving away from making money and focusing on the customer.

Putting the betterment of people and the planet alongside their goal of profit is thoroughly advocated by Manwani and other corporate leaders. (“…There’s More to Business than Profit”, CBCnews) Manwani also hints that the focus on profit is not the effective way of running a business anymore; this is also implied by other corporate leaders in the article, “…There’s More to Business than Profit.” Manwani stresses that companies should move away from the traditional way of doing business, which include the “3G’s” and the capitalist system. However he never says that capitalism is bad, it has helped us get here now we just have to take one step to improve it. The creator of Huffington Post also agrees with Manwani, “There is nothing ‘inherently wrong with capitalism’.” (“…There’s More to Business than Profit”, CBCnews)

Manwani’s main point in this video was to get all business to start working on focusing on the planet and its people instead of just on profit. He says that companies have a higher purpose in society than just making money. Manwani asserts that the smallest actions have a huge difference on the society and companies have start thinking about growth that is responsible.

Works Cited

Branson, Richard. “Profit Isn’t Everything: Richard Branson.” Canadian Business. N.p., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.

Gollon, Mark. “Why Arianna Huffington Says There’s More to Business than Profit.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 24 June 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.

TED Talks Task 2 (Week 2)

Manil Desai

AP English

January 15, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point

Task 2:

Harish Manwani presents a riveting TED called “Profit’s not always the point.” Mr. Manwani starts by talking about how capitalism has done many good things but has not been able to meet up with challenges in society. Then he tells how this can change by adding another “G” to the three “G’s” of business. Growth that is consistent, competitive, and profitable. He tells us to add another “G,” growth that is responsible. He says that the last “G” will create a social value for companies who follow this 4G model. Manwani also tells companies how to put the fourth “G” in motion. He says companies cannot be bystanders because they to pay their dividend to the society that actually sustains them. Then he proposes the and/and model which is based around the question, “How do we make money and do good?” He believes that this can accomplished by leadership, which can create a new model of how to do business in a new way. Manwani also asserts that companies to make a bigger name for them in society than their products and brands they sell. No matter what companies have to learn how stand for what they believe in; they have to stand by their purpose and values. Then he tells about how women in Indian villages have started changing lives by selling the soap that Unilever provides them. These females are doing good and making money at the same time. This project, Shakti is also changing the social structure in India. He encourages other companies to follow his company’s footsteps in define a purpose that takes responsibility and makes changes in the society near you. Harish Manwani joined Unilever in 1976 and has been climbing the ladder since then to become the Chief Operating Officer today. The main point of this TED talk is that companies have to take more responsibility and have to focus on things on how to make the world a better place than profit. The word profit in the heading made me think of business and my love for business dragged me towards this TED talk.  The presenter has definitely convinced me that companies should focus on more than just making money and profit. The idea that stuck out to me from the video is that, “there are small actions that can make a huge difference.”

TED Talks Task 1 (Week 2)

Manil Desai

AP English

January 15, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point

Task 1:

Harish Manwani, speaker in “Profit’s not always the point,” claims that running a business is much bigger than simply making profit, it is also about changing lives in the community and the world around you. Manwani supports  his claim by using exemplum, when he tells us the story about an Indian village lady who is running a small soap business and keeping the families in her village healthy, he utilizes logos when he tells us that 5 million kids die because of disease caused by just not washing hands; Manwani also utilizes pathos when he tells us the sad story of all the kids that die due to the diseases caused by not washing their hands and also when he tells us to join the cause he is evoking our emotions. Manwani’s intent is to educate the audience about how business is not just about making a profit on the products you are selling but it is about doing good deeds all over the world. Manwani establishes an educationally condescending tone with his audience, young men who are planning to go into the field of business and also people who already own a business; Manwani is talking down to his audience as an advisor.

TED Talks Task 3

Manil Desai

AP English

January 9, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Mohamed Ali: The link between unemployment and terrorism

Task # 3:

In the TED Talk “The link between unemployment and terrorism,” Mohamed Ali claims that unemployment in youths has led them to get involved in terrorist groups. Ali claims that this is even more true when the youth is living in a big city. Ali also asserts that to change this people have to raise awareness about entrepreneurship around the world and teach all the youths get up on their own feet by building their own business.  I fully support this claim by Mohamed Ali because other sources have also proved that unemployment and poverty have led to youth involvement in terrorists groups. 

Unemployment is a really horrific thing especially if you live in a developing nation, which does not have unemployment benefits. Ali points out that the boy, who was cunning led into terrorism, came from a small village outside of Mogadishu and he really needed money. He had been starving for days and was living in a little tent, with no job, no money, no nothing. When these men came to help him it would be vapid to decline their help. This is what happens to most of the youths who are unemployed in a big city. As Adin told us that the terrorist groups went for youths who were frustrated at their life and were so weak that they would do anything. The unnamed boy in the beginning was a perfect target for the terrorist groups to take advantage of. In most cases they are also successful in taking people to become terrorist. One example, is that boy in the beginning who became a suicide bomber after he was taken by the terrorist group. He helped the terrorist group pull off a bombing in Mogadishu few months after his involvement. 

But Ali also leaves us with success stories of escaping this tragedy. Ali knows that entrepreneurship would help these youths stay out of trouble and make some money. Entrepreneurship has been successful in the United States, so why would not it be successful in Somalia. Ali was on a trip to Mogadishu for raising awareness about entrepreneurship when he discovered story about the boy who suicide bombed a place. At this meeting Ali also introduces us to Adin and Mhamud who are two young men who have been successful in Mogadishu by creating their own business. Adin runs a rental service for bikes. He owns ten bikes and he rents them out to people who need them and cannot afford them. Mhamud has opened up the first florist shop in all of Mogadishu.  Because of the civil war no one grew flowers. He is also working on getting the first public park to be opened soon. These two people show how they seized the opportunity entrepreneurship gave them and no they do not have to worry about getting a job. 

Being forced to join a terrorist group because you do not have any money is a really terrible fate. But it is the reality for many unemployed young men who cannot find jobs in big city. Ali asserts that this is the main reason we need to spread entrepreneurship  so youths can know that they can be their own boss if they create a business. 


TED Talks Task 2

Manil Desai

AP English

January 9, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Mohamed Ali: The link between unemployment and terrorism

Task # 2:

Mohamed Ali presents, “The link between unemployment and terrorism.” Ali starts of the talk with an anecdote about a young boy from Somalia. The boy had recently moved to Mogadishu after drought led his family to poverty. After looking for a job for weeks he was not able to find anything and forced to stay in poverty. Then one day he is feed properly, given some money to buy new clothes and send home by a group of people. Then after a while he becomes a suicide bomber and blows up a bomb in the city. The men who helped him were a terrorist group. Ali thinks that unemployment is the reason why many youths get driven into joining a terrorist group. When Ali visited Mogadishu, he raised awareness about beginning new businesses among youths in Mogadishu who are unemployed. At this meeting he meets two you youths who have successfully used their creativeness to create successful businesses. The first one, who is a college graduate, has ten bikes that he rents out to people who cannot afford them. As Mogadishu has very terrible roads the best way to transport is on a bike. The next young men has opened up the florist shop in Mogadishu in almost over twenty years. Before his florist shop people barely saw a real flower and now this young men is about to open the first public park in Mogadishu, Somalia. These two young youths at the meeting encouraged many young people at the meeting to come up with ideas to change the outlook of the city. Mohamed Ali is a human rights advocate and fights terrorism with entrepreneurship. Ali has a law degree from Boston College Law School and a founding member of End Famine, a campaign founded in 2011 aimed at promoting food security and eradicating famine worldwide, starting with the Horn of Africa. The main points of the talk were that unemployment in youths is a big part why the go and join terrorist groups. Ali also argues that entrepreneurship is the way we can change the world and stop terrorism from taking youth after youth. The thing that made me pick this talk was that terrorism is a big part of society today and I was curious how it can be formed from unemployment. The presenter made me feel stronger about helping these young people and stopping them from going into the hands of death. One image that stuck out to me from the talk was the image of the car that young men who suicide bombed Mogadishu after being unemployed for months. 

TED Talks Task 1

Manil Desai

AP English

January 9, 2014

Ted Talk Assignment

Mohamed Ali: The link between unemployment and terrorism

Task # 1:

Mohamed Ali, speaker in “The link between unemployment and terrorism,” claims that young youths who are unemployed in a big city are more likely to get dragged into a terrorist group. Ali supports his claim by using exemplum, pathos and logos; Ali uses exemplum when he gives us an example of a youth who moved to Mogadishu from a small village and after struggling in poverty joined a terrorist group and became a suicide bomber, he uses pathos when he tells us the sad story about the youth who became a suicide bomber and Ali utilizes logos when he states that in Mogadishu seventy percent of youths are unemployed. Ali’s intent is to educate the audience about how entrepreneurship can change someone’s life and life span. Ali’s establishes an optimistic towards his intended audience, young youths all around the world and anyone who is present at the TED talk; Ali is talking down to his audience as an advisor to create a better world by making young entrepreneurs.