Flappy Bird Addiction

Nguyen Ha Dong, the creator of Flappy Bird, took the game down recently. And his reasoning for his drastic actions was that the game had been ruining people lives. He also added that the game that was made to relax had became into an addictive monster. And in my opinion game creators in the future should follow Nguyen Ha Dong advice and create less addictive games. If it were up to me I would never let games like Flappy Bird become available to the public and let them get addicted to it.

Secondly, sitting down anywhere and looking at your phone or tablet screen for hours does not have positive effects on a human beings. In fact just starring at screens for hours can cause serious eye problems and it also not good for mental health. Also, if you just stare at your phone the whole time your social life can also severely suffer. Additionally, when people get addicted to games lke Flappy Bird they sit down and spend countless hours on a pointless game; instead of doing something else that’s productive with their lives.

Thirdly, playing these games is also deleterious to the social stigma of children as well as adults. Children are the group that are effected negatively the most by these games. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen my little cousins staring at their tablet and not speaking a word for hours. They do not even put it down when they are eating, while everyone is having dinner they will be doing both things at once. If this trend continues and is seen in all children their social skills will be on a steadily decline.

Lastly, we need to adept to this change move quickly to create restrictions to put on these addictive games. Many scientist have deemed eve more addictive than drugs which proves that they can be dangerous. But before the steps to create restrictions are taken we need to teach our kids the magic of tolerance, which lets us control our impulses. So, we are not pulled towards these addictive games again.

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